【評判】ISTQB Foundation Level preparation course+1000quiz examples

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Successfully prepare and pass the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) version 2023 v4.0 [NEW!]
Links to relevant study materials for the istqb certification
Hundreds of questions similar to those that will be on the istqb foundation level real exam
Questions are distributed by chapters and sections/paragraphs for the best learning experience
20+ exam samples, for training before the real istqb exam
All necessary information about istqb foundation level Exam Structure and Rules
All necessary information about How to take the isqtb exam online at home
Preparation will take a couple of weeks
An easy and clear way to prepare for the exam, without 20 hours of video or outdated information


Preparing for the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) and passing your first ISTQB certification can be a challenging journey. If you ask a colleague who has already passed the exam and received the certificate, whether it was difficult to prepare and pass it, you will get very different feedback from different people. Some will say that they passed it without preparation on the first attempt, without even opening the syllabus once. Others will say that this is a very difficult exam, for which they prepared for many weeks, studied the syllabus by heart, answered all the questions that are on the Internet, and failed the first attempt. Due to the fact that the ISTQB foundation level candidates receive such controversial reviews, they have many questions like:

  • How do I prepare to pass the ISTQB Foundation level exam (CTFL)?

  • How can this course help me prepare for the exam?

  • What is the ISTQB and ISTQB foundation level?

  • How much does ISTQB certification cost?

  • How long will it take to prepare for the ISTQB foundation-level exam?

  • What are the relevant study materials for preparation for the ISTQB foundation-level certification?

  • Where to register for the exam online?

  • What does the exam look like?

People do not find simple answers to these and many other questions, which is why we created our "ISTQB Foundation Level preparation course+1000quiz examples". The course is designed to answer all your questions and clear all your doubts, to make the preparation journey easier for you, to make it clearer, more structured, less controversial, less stressful, maybe even enjoyable, but still challenging. Because the ISTQB exam is difficult it doesn't matter what others say. We have made a simple and clear approach to preparing for the exam that has already been used by more than 10,000 people who have successfully passed the exam.

The course consists of three simple steps:

Step 1. Get familiar with the structure and rules of the exam. you must clearly understand and know what you are preparing for, the exam structure and rules, what study materials to use, and what kind of questions to expect. In our course, you will find videos on these topics: Study materials for V4.0[NEW!]; Where to register for the online exam and what does the exam look like?; Tips and tricks for the real exam; etc.

Step 2. Read relevant study material. In our course, you will find information and links to the latest versions of the ISTQB syllabus and ISTQB glossary. We will also tell you which books can be used to prepare for the exam, the authors of these books are the authors of the exam.

Step 3. The practice of answering questions similar to those that will be on the exam. It is the most important step in preparation for the istqb certification. There are about 1000 questions in the course, divided according to the syllabus paragraphs. There are 6 chapters in the ISTQB syllabus. In our course, there are 100-200 questions per chapter and 20-50 questions per paragraph. It is done this way so that you can learn the theory in small pieces, step by step. After reading 5 pages of the syllabus, you will be able to practice 20-50 questions related to that particular paragraph similar to those that will be on the exam.

Bonus. At the end of the course, you will have 20 ISTQB certification exams, and you will be able to practice before taking the real exam. Each exam sample consists of 40 questions.

If you want to pass the exam successfully on the first try, we invite you to join us on a controversial journey of preparation for the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) v4.0!






 ・ISTQB Foundation Level合格までの道のり【Qiita初投稿】[2024-07-05に投稿]
