【評判】Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebase

  • Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebase
  • Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebaseで学習できる内容
  • Build a Social Network with Flutter and Firebaseを受講した感想の一覧



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How to build a complete social network with Flutter and Firebase!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ullam tempore culpa error soluta, sequi doloremque omnis asperiores vel aut esse accusantium, minima et eos ipsam vitae voluptas numquam facilis architecto deserunt. Porro, voluptas! Cupiditate sit iusto nemo. Quidem, illo! Numquam blanditiis ut earum maxime possimus sapiente nobis maiores? Nesciunt aspernatur ab repudiandae eum quas sit veniam voluptatibus laborum magnam laboriosam qui deleniti quae dolores quo, exercitationem deserunt pariatur. Dolorem officiis libero est architecto maiores quis error, aperiam earum, eveniet atque eius nostrum consectetur aliquid accusantium ipsa esse pariatur omnis tenetur quibusdam voluptatum harum incidunt corporis rem sunt? Tenetur, in asperiores, facere necessitatibus earum corrupti laboriosam culpa repellat laudantium vitae fugit! Nostrum autem voluptates est dolorum libero obcaecati laudantium molestias, quis minus perspiciatis veritatis hic deserunt voluptatibus! Itaque quam reiciendis, quasi a eos eligendi doloremque repellat perspiciatis labore error alias nihil voluptatibus eveniet maxime. Officiis provident quibusdam ad deserunt quaerat exercitationem unde reiciendis sed iste necessitatibus, autem eveniet quidem amet neque nihil culpa natus labore velit molestias adipisci, distinctio optio, ullam possimus enim! Repellendus ad facilis quisquam ducimus est, minima minus sunt ab, fugiat optio provident eum perspiciatis officia reiciendis omnis numquam tenetur esse deleniti illum laborum! Fugit, facere! Quisquam beatae magni veritatis fuga neque rerum nam odit. Cumque hic distinctio facere fugit sint rerum quisquam sit voluptate. Sapiente deserunt similique consequatur amet eum. Officiis ut repellendus molestias numquam fugiat ex delectus reiciendis quis earum adipisci ratione, eaque mollitia veniam a in minus maxime dolores accusamus at hic similique quaerat quasi aut! Quisquam nostrum dolorum recusandae accusantium culpa inventore perspiciatis cum aliquid soluta voluptate exercitationem alias atque natus hic nesciunt numquam, iste nulla odio, omnis eligendi molestiae? Soluta vel quam repellendus ea earum illo beatae in laborum quidem, repudiandae, asperiores tempore minus qui laudantium explicabo, delectus animi possimus. Consequatur molestias veritatis veniam facere ducimus, quidem eos omnis nihil perferendis placeat rem quis laboriosam quibusdam, molestiae iste nostrum suscipit magni animi aliquid architecto? Labore illo ipsa, eaque sed omnis rem? Eius ab ducimus nam vero harum amet. Adipisci perspiciatis consequatur eius ipsa aliquam id, dolorum veritatis, hic doloremque sunt, et explicabo inventore suscipit voluptates facilis voluptatum illo quaerat neque ad voluptatibus fuga voluptas libero? Id debitis quae similique, quidem pariatur natus, tempora corrupti nulla rerum nobis sed! Nulla aliquid doloribus sequi soluta, iure suscipit vitae voluptates? Eius eveniet sapiente necessitatibus voluptatibus cum nobis tempore architecto, esse fuga dolore veniam placeat voluptatum obcaecati! Possimus optio quo quaerat harum eos voluptates dolorum necessitatibus ad pariatur iure! Aliquam voluptatem quisquam tempore modi architecto consequatur voluptas soluta. Quia, quaerat incidunt atque nam minima vel voluptatibus suscipit eveniet ipsum corporis magnam sunt est! Quasi deleniti similique iste sunt adipisci dolore quibusdam magnam eius? Similique soluta quasi non ab harum, praesentium asperiores! Ex, odit porro asperiores optio iusto error. Deleniti autem temporibus quasi quas. Laborum, vero praesentium? Dicta perferendis tempora corrupti optio laborum doloribus itaque delectus odio minima ratione necessitatibus accusamus numquam nisi, quidem recusandae maiores consectetur nostrum pariatur nobis, adipisci doloremque magni sapiente vel ipsam! Voluptas, cum.










  • 良い点

  • ● Worked out the bugs and learned flutter as you said in the beginning. Sorry for being so harsh, it was a major learning curve and I didn't take it so well. But I am about to publish a really cool app with it now!Amazing course, lots of learning in this course. Level of complexity is also good for beginners and all topics are easier to understand.I never really write reviews for courses because i never manage to complete any course, i always lose interest but the instructor Reed is a different person. I really really highly enjoyed this course, Reed could you PLEASE make another course for an E-Commerce App with flutter .. that would be really awesome. This app was such a long journey, Reed feels like a family member now. Thanks man. * crying in background *I just started taking this course to learn more about Flutter and Firebase/Firestore, I am just a beginner in Flutter and I am loving this course already.Conceptually course is really helpful. Thanks Reed for making this course. There are few changes in Firebase API's & Flutter itself, but still that is manageble.This course was great. I finished & I wish there was more advanced courses that let you watch a developer build out a real project you want to build with all the small details you need that go together.A Social Network with Flutter on FireStore, using Firebase Auth, Firebase Cloud Store, & Cloud Functions. I bought the course as soon as I saw it.This is a great course. Reed says the precise words, not more, not less. It's a little bit annoying when other teachers talk and talk and never get to the point. Reed also explains what he is doing on every step, so it's easy to understand why he is doing the things he does. You need to know some Dart in order to follow this course. Personally, I did another one before starting this one, which was very helpful, because now I can understand everything Reed does. I really love this course, because you can learn so much from it. Not only the language, but also good practices, which I didn't get from my other course. Reed is very methodical when writing the code, which I really appreciate. I really hope Reed can make other tutorials.EXCELLENT!!!!! Do they have 10 stars??? Great job!!!Lots of good information in the course and well worth the money! There are a couple caveats to be aware of going in. As many reviewers have noted, the Reed speaks quickly, so if you are coding along with him, you'll have to pause frequently. Personally, I liked this approach. Just something to be aware of. Second, Reed appears to have a lot on the go and is slow responding to questions. So, the comments section and google are your best bet for sorting out issues. Not a deal breaker, but something to be aware of.The only thing this course is truly missing is the Provider state management package! Any chance of an update Reed? :^DThis course was awesome, as I was able to develop my own app after taking up this course. The style of teaching of the instructor is really good. I owe a lot to the instructor and Udemy. Keep up the good work. Thanks a lot Reed....Great Job Reed, i like advanced complex App programing like this as i am learning a lot along the process. Hope you would like another big project like this with advanced features, will happily join in. All the BestI really had fun following along this amazing development experience Reed set up for us. It was well paced , well explained, well organised, informative and especially enlightening. Big Up Reed!i gave this instructor befor 2.5 but when i started to work in my iwn project i releaieed i got so much from those tutour thx.Excellent content, but some momentary pauses in the presentation every now and then would be helpful, even just for a second or two, particularly when typing a lot of new code.FlutterとFirebaseを利用して、SNSサービスに必要な基本的な機能を難しすぎず、かといって簡単すぎずのレベル感で実装しており、学ぶのにはちょうどよかった。
  • ● 実装それ自体は、かなりFatなものになっていて、コードの綺麗さはなかったが、それはこの講座でフィーチャーしている、FlutterとFirebaseを利用してSNSを作るという点の方を重視してあえて実装は単純にしているのだと思う。
  • ● あまりつまづくことなく最後まで実装できた。



